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Thank You, Voters!

May 22, 2024

Voters approve continuing local school funding . . .

4J Employee Honored for Excellence

May 2, 2024

Occupational therapist Carol Welch recognized for her work supporting students with disabilities so they can be successful in school. . . .

Focus on Mental Health in May

May 2, 2024

This month marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of mental well-being. . . .

Kindergarten Smart Start

May 2, 2024

Schedule announced for program to help our youngest students acclimate to first year of school . . .

students exiting bus


We are committed to prioritizing the needs and desires of student groups who have historically faced significant challenges and barriers to achieving academic success. We strive to create an inclusive and nurturing educational environment where every student feels valued, supported and inspired to excel.

student laughing at computer in class


We create an environment in our district that is demanding but nurturing, rigorous but compassionate, safe but risk-taking. We foster both independence and collaboration and require accountability as well as involvement from everyone.

student eating

Safety & Well-Being

We are committed to creating a secure and nurturing environment for everyone within our educational community. Our objective encompasses implementing comprehensive safety protocols, including emergency preparedness plans and robust security measures. We support the emotional and mental health of students and staff by providing services and proactive initiatives to foster overall well-being and a sense of belonging.