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Employee Wage Statements Online

Login: BusinessPlus Employee Online 

BusinessPlus Employee Online Instructions

4J’s direct deposit wage statements are now available in Employee Online.

How to Access Your Pay Stub

For users who have an existing BusinessPlus login based on your name, please use your existing login for Employee Online. Your employee number-based login will be disabled to eliminate confusion when using the self-help password reset.

Employee Online link

For first-time users of BusinessPlus Employee Online:

When you first visit the Employee Online site, you will need to click the ‘Forgot Login’ prompt to set your initial password.  Clicking this link will bring up a prompt where you will enter your 4J email.

Enter your 4J email address and press ‘Enter’ (or click the Email icon to the right of the email field). This will send a temporary password to your 4J email account.  Once you receive this, return to the Employee Online homepage and log in with the following information:

  • Username: Your 6-digit employee number
  • Password: This is the temporary password emailed to your 4J e-mail. (If you copy and paste, make sure you are not copying any spaces at the end of the password.)

Upon successful entry of your username and temporary password, you will be required to set your new password. Your “old password” is the temporary password. Your new password must contain the following:

  • at least eight characters in length
  • at least one number
  • at least one capitalized letter
  • least one special character (Options: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = [ { ] } ; : ? )

Once you have successfully created your Employee Online account, you can view your wage statements using the following steps:

  1. Click the Menu pulldown
  2. Select Payroll Information
  3. Select Check Stub
  4. Click the number listed under Check Number for the month you wish to view.

If you are locked out of BusinessPlus Employee Online:

The system will only allow three attempts to match your password to your employee ID number before locking you out for security purposes. Using the ‘Forgot Login’ will reset the status of your account and remove the lock. You will then need to set a new password as explained above. If you would prefer to not reset your password, please email to have your account unlocked.

Former Employees:

If you have terminated in the last 18 months, you can still access your BuisinessPlus Employee Online account using your employee number and the password you created when you logged into BuisinessPlus Employee Online the first time. If you never logged into BuisinessPlus Employee Online prior to separating, you will need to reach out to Human Resources ( 541-790-7670 or ) to ensure your personal email address is attached to your employee profile. Once that is in place, you can utilize the ‘Forgot Login’ option to reset your password and a temporary password will be sent to the provided email address. Once you receive this temporary password, the instructions above can be followed.

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