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4J Staff Personal Property Loss or Damage: Reimbursement

How to Get Reimbursed for Stolen Property

To receive reimbursement, follow the steps below:

  1. Report the incident to the building principal and the police as soon as the theft is noticed.
  2. Obtain a police case number.
  3. Send written documentation of the incident to Risk Management Services as soon as a police case number is obtained. Include:
    • A description of each item stolen
    • The approximate value of each item or a receipt if available.
    • Any serial numbers, model numbers or other identifying information.
    • A copy of the Request for Replacement of District Property Form (for items valued at more than $500) that was completed at the time the item was brought to school for instructional purposes.
  4. A description of each replacement purchase and the dollar amount of each replacement.
  5. After you receive approval for payment to replace the stolen item(s), purchase the items and submit your receipt(s) to Risk Management Services (790-7673) for reimbursement.
  6. The District covers only the replacement cost of items of comparable material and quality. If you purchase a more expensive item, you pay the difference between the cost and the amount the District will reimburse.

How to Get Reimbursed for Repair of Damaged Property

To receive reimbursement, follow the steps below:

  1. Report the incident to the building principal.
  2. Send written documentation of the incident to Risk Management Services. Include:
    • A description of the damaged item.
    • The approximate value of each item or a receipt if available.
    • A copy of the Request for Replacement of District Property Form (for items valued at more than $500) that was completed at the time the item was brought to school for instructional purposes.
  3. A description of each repair purchase and the dollar amount of the repair.
  4. After you receive approval for payment to repair the item(s), have the item(s) repaired, and submit your receipt(s) to Risk Management Services (790-7673) for reimbursement.
  5. If the item cannot be repaired, use the procedure above for How to Get Reimbursed for Stolen Property, eliminating the steps on obtaining and providing a police case number.