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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Elementary Education

Elementary Services

elementary students writing in workbookThe office of Elementary Education oversees the administration of the district’s elementary schools, kindergarten through fifth grade.  Our site contains information regarding kindergarten readiness and enrollment, grade level overviews, curriculum, assessment and much more.

Elementary Curriculum

Eugene School District 4J adopts and follows curriculum aligned with the standards set by the Oregon Department of Education.

Textbooks and other supplemental materials are chosen to maximize student learning and growth. Curricula are selected on a cycle set by the Oregon Department of Education and are purchased and/or adopted as set in Oregon statute. 4J Prioritized Standards.

Beginning with the Reading/Language Arts adoption in 2006–07, the district has moved towards districtwide curriculum adoption.

A new Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum for K-5 was adopted by the school board in the spring of 2022 and rolled out in schools during the 2022–23 school year.

Elementary Curriculum (click for details)

Servicios de educación primaria

La oficina de Educación Primaria dirige la administración de las escuelas primarias de kindergarten a quinto grado del distrito. Nuestro sitio contiene la información sobre cómo estar listo para matricular a sus hijos en el kindergarten, resúmenes por nivel de grado, currículo, evaluaciones y mucho más.