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Injury and Accident Procedures

  1. Report all on-the-job injuries or incidents to your supervisor immediately, then send completed incident report to Risk Management by fax: 541-790-7674  or by email:
    • Fill out an Incident Report on the Risk Forms page (all pages need to be completed) and return it to your supervisor for their completion and then return the complete form to Risk Management. (Forms are available online or from your school or department secretary.)
    The District recommends that you complete and return the Incident Report form to your supervisor, no matter how minor the injury. If the injury develops into something more serious at a later date, proof that the injury is work related will be important
  2. If emergency medical care is required, your supervisor will arrange for transportation through 911. If your supervisor is not available, contact 911 and seek medical attention, then contact Risk Management at 541-790-7673 to report the injury as soon as possible.
  3. If non-emergency care is required, contact:
    • Cascade Health Solutions and Cascade Medical Associates (ph. 228-3100) which provides treatment immediately after an injury at 2650 Suzanne Way, Suite 200 (Located behind PetSmart and across from Costco).
    • The physician of your choice.
  4. If first aid treatment is needed, contact:
    • Mobile Health at 541-228-3111. If Mobile Health is called, they will handle the situation themselves or transport you to and from an appropriate care facility (e.g. occupational medicine clinic, personal physician, urgent care provider, etc.).