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Bloodborne Pathogens: Employee Exposure

All exposed employees will receive a confidential medical evaluation and follow up which includes:

  • Obtaining consents for necessary testing
  • Necessary immunizations
  • Blood testing

Employees exposed to bloodborne pathogens should contact Joy Maxwell, 4J's student health services supervisor, at 541-760-2310. If she's not available, contact the nurse assigned to your building.


Please report all Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures (BBPs) to the district contact above so that an exposure report can be generated. If the exposure occurs on a weekend, contact Mobile Health at 541-228-3111.

The Occupational Health Nurse will determine if a significant exposure has occurred as well as counsel the individual about the exposure recommendations for follow-up and blood testing. Your employer will receive a Medical Evaluation Report with recommendations for follow-up and treatment, but test results are highly confidential and will not be given out or included in an exposure report.

  1. Exposure Occurs (A specific mouth, eye or other mucous membrane, non-intact skn or parenteral contact with blood).
  2. Contact school nurse or school health care provider.
  3. Source individual either consents to or refuses testing. —and—
    Exposed employee either consents to or refuses testing.
  4. Health Care Provider provides:
    Possible Vaccine
    Reccomendations for Follow up
  5. School District talks to exposed employee to be sure he/she received follow-up information.