Section 504
About Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies to all recipients of federal funds – including public schools – and requires school districts to provide a free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities. Students who are determined to have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities are eligible for Section 504 protections against disability-based discrimination. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that also prohibits discrimination in employment, public services, and lodging accommodations solely on the basis of disability.
504 teams determine if a student qualifies for 504 protection. In addition, the team determines if supports are necessary for a student with a disability to have access to their education comparable to that of their same-age peers. These supports are then written into a “504 Accommodation Plan.” For instance, a 504 team may determine that – because the student is legally blind – the student needs their test questions read out loud by a proctor.
Some students with disabilities may also qualify for special education instruction under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These students still have the right to the protections set forth under Section 504.
For more information: 504 Fact Sheet
For Parents – Guide to the 504 Process
STEP 1: Contact your building's school counselor. They are (usually) the building’s 504 Case Manager.
STEP 2: After you’ve consulted with the 504 Case Manager, the regional 504 Case Manager Assistant will contact you to obtain further information, including your input and consent for the evaluation.
STEP 3: The team will compile multiple points of data to determine the existence of a substantially limiting disability. In addition to parent input and medical documentation, data is collected in the following areas:
STEP 4: A team is called together to review data. The team will include individuals knowledgeable about the student, such as: the school 504 case manager, classroom teacher(s), the parent/guardian(s), the student (as appropriate). It may also include the school administrator, district 504 coordinator or school psychologist.
Additional Section 504 Resources
Accommodation Resources
Service Animal Information
Legal Regulations and Policies
Complaint Resolution
What do I do if I feel like my student’s accommodations are not being offered?
STEP 1: Communicate your concerns with your child’s teacher
STEP 2: If you need more assistance, ask your school counselor for support
STEP 3: If the issue is unresolved, reach out to your school administrator.
What are the resolution options under Section 504?
The parent may use the district’s uniform complaint resolution procedures, as described in administrative regulation KL-AR. These procedures provide both informal complaint resolutions as well as for formal complaint procedures. A starting place is to have an informal meeting with a school principal or assistant principal to review the matter and share concerns. The parent may also contact the district’s 504 Program Coordinator or Director of Supports Services at 541-790-7800.
More information is available on the district’s Complaint Page. Parents also have the right to request a hearing from the Oregon Department of Education if they disagree with the identification, evaluation, placement or provision of appropriate services to the student. The parent may file a complaint with the Federal Office for Civil Rights.