Be prepared and know what to do when winter weather comes! This page provides guidance on reporting, schedules, and procedures to ensure safety and preparedness, whether schools are delayed, closed, or operating under special conditions.
On days when hazardous weather is a concern, the district may cancel school for students, or—more rarely—may close all schools and offices, delay the school day, end school early, or close individual schools due to a building problem.
The following general rules will be used to determine which staff members are to report to work. Unusual circumstances may cause an adjustment in these guidelines.
Regular Hazardous Weather Day | Extreme Weather Day | Delayed Start | Early Closure | School Building System Failure
At any time, if employees who are required to work believe they cannot safely report, they should notify their supervisor and use the leave provisions outlined in their employment agreement.
Regular Hazardous Weather Day
When a hazardous weather day occurs, the announcement will be made to the media as: “Schools closed, offices open.”
Staff Reporting Expectations
Extreme Weather Day
When there are extreme weather circumstances, the day may be designated an extreme weather day. This will be announced to the media as “Schools closed, only emergency staff report.”
Staff Reporting Expectations
Delayed Start
Occasionally, the start of the school day may be delayed due to inclement weather, typically by two hours. On these days:
Staff Reporting Expectations
Early Closure
In rare situations, schools may need to close before the regular dismissal time due to worsening weather or other emergencies.
Staff Reporting Expectations
Transportation Details
School Building System Failure
Very rarely, an individual school building’s system may fail, making the school unsuitable for instruction. When a facility issue arises, the first person to notice it should notify the principal, the principal will notify the level director, and the level director will notify district leadership. If the facility issue significantly impacts the school’s ability to provide instruction, district administration will consult with the principal and other key personnel to explore possible solutions. The superintendent or designee will make the final decision regarding closure.
If school is canceled before the start of the day, district administration and the building principal will create a plan to notify students and parents and to manage any students who have already arrived.
Staff Reporting Expectations
All facilities and head custodial staff, as well as designated emergency personnel required for critical operations, are expected to report unless previously directed otherwise by their supervisor. On days designated as extreme weather days, emergency staff who are required to report will receive additional pay.
When the superintendent determines to cancel or delay school for the safety of students and staff, the decision will be communicated as quickly as possible. If school is operating on a normal schedule, no announcement will be made—in this case, "no news means no change."
The district will communicate closures or delays through the following channels, typically by 6:30 a.m.:
If you are not receiving text messages:
Be aware: It is impossible to guarantee text message delivery 100% of the time, and your alert may be delayed or blocked. If you are concerned about the weather and have not received a text alert by 6:30 a.m., check the 4J website, radio or TV for information about closures, delays, or snow routes.
Decisions about schedule changes due to hazardous weather or facility concerns are typically made early in the morning before school when current weather conditions can be assessed most accurately. Our priority is the safety of students and staff, while also recognizing that students and families are best served when schools remain open. We carefully evaluate all factors to make the best possible decision.
General Guidelines
Delayed starts and early dismissals are generally avoided due to the challenges they create. However, unpredictable or sudden weather changes may require such decisions to ensure safety.
When classes are canceled because of hazardous weather conditions, the superintendent or designee will make a decision by noon regarding after-school activities and night use of buildings by school and non-school groups. That decision will be communicated through the same notification procedures as a school closure.
Ordinarily, when schools are closed for school activities, they are also closed for community-sponsored events that occur in schools (e.g., after-school childcare, school enrichment programs, youth sports activities, and routine rentals). Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the superintendent or level director.
To maximize instructional time, the school year will generally not be shortened due to hazardous weather days. These days will be made up either during the school year or on designated makeup days added to the end of the regular school year.
These guidelines are consistent with the OSEA collective bargaining agreement (Article 12) and the EEA collective bargaining agreement (Article 10.3).