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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

4J Board Goals

Board Goals

The primary responsibility of the school board is to establish policies, purposes and programs that will best produce educational achievement for 4J students. The board functions primarily as a legislative body, which formulates and adopts policy, and also hires and oversees the work of the superintendent, the district’s chief executive officer. The superintendent implements the board’s policy, while board members evaluate the results.

The board and each of its members must look to the future and to the entirety of needs for the 4J community: students, staff and residents who live in the district’s boundaries. That responsibility requires a comprehensive perspective and long-range plan in addition to addressing immediate problems – which the school board outlines in goals that are typically adopted each year.

Board Goals for 2024-2025 School Year

Adopted Sept. 4, 2024 | PDF Version


  • In order to maximize the potential leadership and success of our Board as a whole, the Board will engage in the following to grow as district leaders.

    • Internal (within the board membership) 
      • Create, adopt, and honor a Board working agreement.
      • Engage in Board retreats:  at least 1-2 per year.
      • All board members will attend training on best practices for board service, communication, and/or governance, including one annual OSBA conference(s) where possible.
      • The Board will engage in relationship-building/social events for members to get to know each other (outside of official Board business)
      • New board members will receive support through mentorship with existing board members.
      • The Board will consider other ideas for future (such as a book club related to topics on education, equity, community, etc.).
    • External (between the Board and our stakeholders/community) 
      • Schools:  Board members will attend school events and keep themselves up to date on schools throughout our region.
        • Board members will understand the value of touring schools in each region of the District and school/district programs (such as a CTE program or other district or school program) so they can be informed about the schools and programs in the district. 
        • The Board will strive to have a presence at district school events/programs brought to the Board’s attention.
        • Each Board member will be matched with a student representative for at least half the time of the Board member’s service.
        • Staff:  Board members will regularly rotate attendance at staff listening sessions and meetings with representatives of staff employee groups.  The Board will explore interest and a possible framework for meeting with leadership from the three employee groups and district leadership (which might be topical or might be 2-3 times a year).
      • Community presence 
        • The Board will strive to have a presence at community events to learn about and hear from our stakeholders and community, demonstrate our presence and approachability, build and strengthen community connections, and be visible.
      • Board will set the stage for a district strategic planning process to begin in the next 12-18 months. 
  • Better quality communications and engagement will help the Board understand, appreciate and address the diversity of issues that affect our district.  

    • Listen better:
      • Hold community listening session(s) in different regions of the district that are open to the public.  Explore additional listening sessions focused on different programs/schools (e.g. SPED, EOA).
      • Partner with community organizations to expand access to diverse or under-represented community voices
      • Update our Public Comment process to make it as accessible as possible, including soliciting feedback from the community.
    • Talk better
      • Explore a possible communication channel for the Board (e.g. newsletter, blog, or dedicated website page).
      • Honor our Working Agreements for how the Board works together and speaks during meetings, with each other, and in the community 
      • Include agenda items on regular meetings than inform our community about key issues in the district in proactive or responsive ways
    • Better board meetings  
      • Hold regular Board Meetings that prioritize the community’s time and interests 
        • Explore ways to structure board meetings to allow for more in-depth work while respecting reasonable ending times (e.g. 10:00 pm).
        • Use work sessions and committees for longer board conversations, informative presentations, editing, and work
        • Build regular meeting agendas that focus on student outcomes and experiences
        • Explore alternatives to the dais structure for board meetings
      • Create a flyer/graphics that orient community members to the mechanics of Board meetings and helps them understand ways to bring their ideas, concerns, suggestions, solutions and what’s going well to the district (within and outside of board meetings).  Explore the possibility of volunteer greeter(s) to help orient and welcome people to board meetings.
  • In addition to our identified goals for the year, the Board will continue to engage in ongoing Board duties and work, including:

    • Financial oversight for the district 
      • Budget Committee 
      • Budget approval
    • Supporting and supervising the Superintendent 
      • Superintendent evaluation 
    • Strategic leadership of the district 
      • Setting district vision and goals 
    • Representing our community and community’s interests to the district 
    • Policy review and development