2024-25 Enrollment
Schools are now open for enrollment! Enrollment forms for the 2024-25 school year are available at your school or online.
Check your school office hours to return your packet and documents.
We are pleased to have you joining us!
Enroll your student now for the 2024–25 school year. You can enroll at your school office, or use the forms here to enroll online or paper. (Check your school office hours.)
What’s my school?
Enter your address here to find your neighborhood elementary, middle and high schools.
If you have questions about school enrollment, please call 541-790-7712 or email enroll@4j.lane.edu
Instructions: First, you must download the PDF (and save it on your computer), then fill it out and save it again with your information. Do not fill in the PDF in a web browser, as the information you enter will not be saved. Please complete all of the forms in the packet and save the PDF with your student’s first and last name and school.
(1) Download:
(2) Complete: Most of these forms are fillable. Once you have downloaded the PDFs (saved on your computer), please fill them out and save them with your student’s name. Do not fill in the PDF in a web browser, as the information you enter will not be saved. Please complete all of the forms in the packet and save the PDF with your student’s first and last name.
(3) Document: Make a digital copy (scan or photos of the entire document) of your proof of age and proof of address, parent or guardian identification and any legal/custodial documents (if applicable). (You may be asked to verify these documents in person at a later time.)
(4) Return: Email your completed registration forms, proof of age and address, Oregon Certificate of Immunization and copy of parent or guardian identification. Please make sure to include the name of your student, grade and school enrolling at in the body of your email.
(1) Get the packet:
(2) Complete: Please complete all of the forms in the packet.
(3) Document: Make a copy of your proof of age and proof of address and parent or guardian identification and any custodial documentation (if applicable). (You may be asked to verify these documents in person at a later time.)
(4) Return: Submit your completed registration forms and your proof of age, address and parent or guardian identification, immunization records and any custodial documentation (if applicable).
Instructions: First, you must download the PDF (and save it on your computer), then fill it out and save it again with your information. Do not fill in the PDF in a web browser, as the information you enter will not be saved. Please complete all of the forms in the packet and save the PDF with your student’s first and last name and school.
(1) Download:
(2) Complete: Most of these forms are fillable. Once you have downloaded the PDFs (saved on your computer), please fill them out and save them with your student’s name. Do not fill in the PDF in a web browser, as the information you enter will not be saved. Please complete all of the forms in the packet and save the PDF with your student’s first and last name.
(3) Document: Make a digital copy (scan or photos of the entire document) of your proof of age and proof of address, parent or guardian identification and any legal/custodial documents (if applicable). (You may be asked to verify these documents in person at a later time.)
(4) Return: Email your completed registration forms, proof of age and address, Oregon Certificate of Immunization and copy of parent or guardian identification. Please make sure to include the name of your student, grade and school enrolling at in the body of your email.
(1) Get the packet:
(2) Complete: Please complete all of the forms in the packet.
(3) Document: Make a copy of your proof of age and proof of address and parent or guardian identification and any custodial documentation (if applicable). (You may be asked to verify these documents in person at a later time.)
(4) Return: Submit your completed registration forms and your proof of age, address and parent or guardian identification, immunization records and any custodial documentation (if applicable).
Eugene Online Academy
The Eugene Online Academy is a referral-based program for grades 6-12. If you are interested in enrolling in EOA, please contact your school principal. To learn more about the program, visit EOA’s website.
Matricule a su estudiante ahora para el año escolar 2024-25. Puede hacer la matrícula en la oficina de su escuela o utilizar los formularios aquí para la matrícula en línea o en papel. (Revise el horario de la oficina de su escuela.)
¿Cuál es su escuela? Corrobore su dirección aquí para encontrar las escuelas primarias, secundarias y preparatoria de su vecindario.
Si tiene preguntas sobre la matrícula escolar, llame al 541-790-7712 o envíe un correo electrónico a enroll@4j.lane.edu
Instrucciones: Primero, debe descargar el PDF (y salvarlo en su computadora), luego de completarlo debe salvarlo con el nombre de su estudiante. No sólo complete el PDF en un navegador web, ya que la información que ingrese se perderá. Complete todos los formularios del paquete después de descargarlos a su computadora y luego salve el documento PDF con el nombre y apellido de su estudiante.
(1) Descargue:
Paquete de matrícula
Certificado de estado de vacunación de Oregón
Formulario de permiso y aviso del 4J – G Suite
Permisos anuales del 4J
Avisos anuales de los derechos legales del 4J y formulario para optar por exclusiones
Encuesta de Elegibilidad Educativa para Migrantes
Informe Médico Estudiantil para Ingreso al Kindergarten
Formulario de Medicaid
(2) Complete: La mayoría de estos formularios se pueden completar descargándolos. Una vez que haya descargado los archivos PDF (sálvelos en su computadora), complételos y sálvelos con el nombre de su estudiante. No complete el PDF en un navegador web, ya que la información que ingrese no se guardará. Complete todos los formularios del paquete y guarde el PDF con el nombre y apellido de su estudiante.
(3) Documente: Haga una copia digital (escaneada o fotografiada del documento completo) de su comprobante de edad y comprobante de domicilio, la identificación del padre o guardián y cualquier documento legal/de custodia (si corresponde). (Es posible que se le solicite que verifique estos documentos en persona más adelante).
(4) Entregue: Envíe por correo electrónico sus formularios de matrícula completos, comprobante de edad y dirección, Certificado de vacunación de Oregón y copia de la identificación del padre o guardián. Asegúrese de incluir el nombre de su estudiante, el grado y la escuela a la que asistirá su estudiante en su correo electrónico.
(1)Obtener el paquete:
(2)Completarlo: Complete todos los formularios del paquete.
(3)Documentarlo: Haga una copia de su comprobante de edad y comprobante de domicilio e identificación del padre o guardián y cualquier documentación de custodia (si corresponde). (Es posible que se le solicite que verifique estos documentos en persona más adelante).
(4)Entregarlo: Envíe sus formularios de registro completos y su prueba de edad, dirección e identificación del padre o guardián, registros de vacunación y cualquier documentación de custodia (si corresponde).