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Standard 2-D: Creating Personalized Classroom Communities

  • Ineffective Developing Effective Model
    Establishes or permits a classroom environment in which students treat each other and the teacher with disrespect. Does not move swiftly to stop or prevent bullying. Often treats students as if they were either adversaries or same-age friends.     Establishes a classroom environment in which students demonstrate appropriate levels of respect toward their peers and teacher most of the time, but where occasional negative comments and actions still exist and are routinely overlooked. Usually detects and intervenes in any incident of bullying. Sometimes seeks to earn students’ friendship rather than their respect.     Establishes and promotes a classroom environment in which students’ interactions with their peers and teacher are usually friendly and demonstrate caring and respect, and where students are encouraged to learn from one another. Consistently detects and intervenes in any incident of bullying. Maintains appropriate professional boundaries with students.     Establishes and maintains a classroom environment in which students’ interactions with their peers and teacher are consistently caring and respectful, and where students work together as a team to achieve common learning goals. Enforces a no-tolerance approach toward bullying, even in jest. Maintains appropriate professional boundaries with students.
  • Ineffective Developing Effective Model
    Establishes or permits a classroom environment in which students openly denigrate differences in language, culture, appearance, or ability. Ignores or trivializes conflicts or responds inappropriately.     Establishes a classroom environment in which students demonstrate a tolerance of individual differences in language, culture, appearance, or ability. Anticipates and responds appropriately to some conflicts, but ignores others.     Establishes and promotes a classroom environment in which students express appreciation of the value-added qualities that different languages, cultures, and abilities bring to the setting. Anticipates conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise from differences in background and language and either acts to prevent them or responds appropriately.     Anticipates and responds appropriately to potential misunderstandings that may stem from individual differences and leads students to do the same. Builds and fosters a sense of collaborative community within the classroom, where students consistently monitor one another’s treatment of peers, correcting classmates respectfully when needed, constructively working together in and outside the classroom, and celebrating both individual and group achievements.
  • Ineffective Developing Effective Model
    Directs all learning experiences, providing few, if any, opportunities for students to take academic risks or challenge themselves to learn.     Creates some learning experiences that guide students to identify needs, ask for support, take academic risks, and challenge themselves to learn.     Frequently creates learning experiences that guide students to identify their strengths, interests, and needs; to ask for support when appropriate; to take academic risks; and to challenge themselves to learn.     Consistently supports students to identify their strengths, interests, and needs; to ask for support when appropriate; to take academic risks; to challenge themselves to learn; to set learning goals; and to monitor their own progress. Is able to model this component for other teachers.