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Standard 2-B: Learning Environment

  • Ineffective Developing Effective Model
    Makes little or no attempt to teach interpersonal, group, and communication skills; to facilitate student work in groups; or to collaborate with students to promote student engagement in learning.     Teaches some interpersonal, group, and communication skills; provides some opportunities for students to work in groups; occasionally collaborates with students to promote student engagement in learning.     Develops students’ interpersonal, group, and communication skills and provides opportunities for students to learn in groups with diverse peers. Frequently builds a sense of community that promotes student engagement in learning.     Teaches and reinforces interpersonal, group, and communication skills so that students seek out their peers as resources. Consistently and effectively collaborates with students to promote student engagement in learning. Models this component for other teachers.
  • Ineffective Developing Effective Model
    Maintains a physical environment that is unsafe or that does not support student learning by being respectful and academically challenging.     Creates and maintains a physical environment that is not reliably safe and supportive of student learning in all situations.     Creates and maintains a safe physical and intellectual environment where students feel comfortable and supported in taking academic risks. Uses student interaction to enhance motivation and advance the development of social skills.     Creates and maintains a safe physical and intellectual environment where students feel comfortable in taking academic risks and also play an active role in supporting their peers who confront academic challenges. Demonstrates openness to respectful student challenges about information and processes.