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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Internet Safety Tips

NEW! Internet Safety Video Series

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the safety and well-being of our students, we are excited to introduce, SCREEN SENSE, a new video series designed to help families navigate the ever-evolving world of digital technology. Watch videos below or on 4J’s Vimeo channel.

Four hands hold up smartphones against a bright blue sky.We are all connected in infinitely more ways than we were even just a few years ago. In addition to all the benefits technology and connectivity can bring to our lives, it can also be an avenue for criminals to exploit. Computer hacking, email phishing, identity theft and online scams are all modern concerns for anyone with an internet connection and an email account. With the “world-wide” web, the criminal element can operate from anywhere in the world and has access to your front door. Educating yourself is one of the best ways to avoid falling victim to internet- or technology-based crime.

Youth, especially, have embraced new technologies such as text/instant messaging, social networking applications, online gaming and digital cameras to share information and connect with friends. However, without proper guidance and supervision, these types of communication technologies can be dangerous to a child’s physical and psychological well-being. These applications and technologies are portals offering anyone direct contact with your kids, pre-teens and teenagers. Educating yourself about potential dangers is key to keeping your kids safe.

SCREEN SENSE: Helping Kids Navigate the Digital World

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the safety and well-being of our students, we are excited to introduce, SCREEN SENSE, a new video series designed to help families navigate the ever-evolving world of digital technology.

In today’s digital age, it’s essential that students not only learn how to use technology effectively but also understand how to stay safe online and act responsibly in the digital world. To help guide our community, we have partnered with the University of Oregon to create this important resource.

We strongly encourage you to watch these videos and share them with others who might benefit. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a safe and supportive online environment for your child.

Tips for keeping children safe online: Learn about potential risks and how to protect your child’s digital presence/ privacy. 
Ver vídeo en español.

Navigating online interactions: Learn tips to help your child develop safe, respectful, and positive digital connections. 
Ver vídeo en español.

Building healthy internet use: Understanding how to model and encourage respectful, responsible online behavior. 
Ver vídeo en español.

Recognizing and addressing cyberbullying: Knowing the signs and what to do if your child is affected.
Ver vídeo en español.

Practical strategies for managing screen time: Balancing educational and recreational technology use in a healthy way. Introducing digital contracts.
Ver vídeo en español.

Thank you for your continued support in helping us create a safe, positive learning environment for all of our students.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at | (541) 790-7671

Additional Resources

  • Helpful Tips

    1. Spend time having fun with your parents online and helping them understand technology!
    2. Never post your personal information, such as a cell phone number, home number, home address, or your location on any social networking site or through mobile apps like Snapchat or Instagram.
    3. Never meet in person with anyone you first “met” on the internet. If someone asks to meet you, tell your parents or guardian right away. Some people may not be who they say they are.
    4. Check with your parents before you post pictures of yourself or others online. Do not post inappropriate pictures of anyone.
    5. Never respond to mean or rude texts, messages, and e-mails. Delete any unwanted messages. You may need to delete friends who continuously bother you or post things that are not appropriate.
    6. NEVER share your password with anyone, including your best friend. The only people who should know your password are your parents or guardian.
    7. If you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t text it or post it online.
    8. Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell phone before checking with your parents or guardian.
    9. Use the privacy settings of social networking sites.
    10. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable online, while gaming or when using your cell phone, talk with your parents or guardian right away.

    Source: NetSmartz and SafeKids

    Resources for Internet Safety for Kids

    Resources for Internet Safety for Teens

  • At Eugene School District 4J, we recognize the important role that technology plays in our students’ lives. While digital technology offers many positive benefits to our society, community, and schools, it also comes with some risks. We share the following resources with you in order to help you help your children and youth in navigating the complexities that come with digital technology, including the use of online spaces. 

  • Las redes sociales e Internet: padres, cuidadores y adultos de confianza

    Vídeos en español