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School Board Approves Referring Bond Measure to Voters in November

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Published: August 16, 2018

Bond funds would improve safety, career education, technology, curriculum, overcrowding, and replace 3 aging schools, if approved by voters

The Eugene School Board has unanimously approved referring a $319.3 million bond measure to voters on the November 2018 election ballot.

If approved by voters in November, the bond measure would provide improvements for all district schools. Bond funds would upgrade safety and security, support career education, address equity, improve technology, update instructional materials, and repair schools across the district. It would replace three aging school buildings—North Eugene High School, Edison Elementary School, and Camas Ridge Elementary School—and add classrooms at Gilham Elementary School.

Bond Process

The potential bond measure was considered in a lengthy, thoughtful, community-engaged process. The development process began with an assessment of the district’s facility and materials needs and the development of an update to the district’s long-range facilities plan.

More than $1 Billion in capital needs were identified in the district, including facility repairs and improvements, capacity to address overcrowding, security and safety, technology, and more. The district conducted a series of community forums and surveys to help inform priorities for a bond measure that would address some, but not all, of the identified capital needs.

Community input and board discussions narrowed the list to $385 million in improvements. The school board in August considered options to reduce the cost to taxpayers, and shrank the proposal by 17%.

At its meeting on August 15, 2018, the school board determined the final bond package and voted unanimously to approve a resolution and ballot title language to refer the $319.3 million general obligation bond measure to the November ballot for the community to consider. The board’s action authorizes the district to file the ballot title with the county elections office and officially place the bond on the November 6, 2018 ballot.

Bond Improvements

The resulting $319.3 million bond measure would:

• Replace three aging school buildings
North Eugene High School ($135 M)
Edison Elementary School ($42 M)
Camas Ridge Elementary School ($40 M)
• Address overcrowding in Sheldon region ($9 M)—Complete the planned expansion of Gilham Elementary School to provide more capacity
• Renovate facilities for program relocations ($10 M)—Program moves include Yujin Gakuen, Corridor, ECCO, the NATIVES program, and Chinese immersion
• Improve school safety and security ($16 M)
• Improve facility equity and access ($12 M)
• Support career technical education ($6 M)
• Replace aging school buses ($4.8 M)
• Adopt curriculum ($8 M)
• Modernize technology ($6 M)
• Provide critical maintenance, repairs and improvements ($31 M)

Bond Costs

The district has been awarded $8 million in state grants which will be available only if the bonds are approved. The estimated bond costs are $7.5 million, bringing the proposed bond measure amount to $319.3 million. If approved, the bond tax rate would increase by about 66¢ per $1,000 assessed value, to $2.25. Property taxes would increase by about $11 a month or $135 a year for the median homeowner in the district, with an assessed value of $204,147.

Learn More

The district will publish informational materials on the district website after the measure is certified to the ballot and before the election.