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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

High School Scheduling — Scheduling Subcommittee


  • Define what this means:
    • 9th and 10th grade students need to be fully scheduled to be on-track for graduation. 11th and 12th grade students can have flexibility in their schedule.
    • Students are able to earn 32 credits 9-12. Clear language to families (Jenna McCulley).
    • Make sure we talk about what CN credit is available during the senior year.
  • Will there be study halls to help fully schedule? Shouldn’t we have core content interventions instead of study halls filling our available FTE? Will they be credit bearing?
  • How does a family opt-out of a full schedule? They don’t in the 9th and 19th grade. Education is compulsory.
  • Do we go back to the form we had previously for all 9th and 10th graders?
  • Clear language sent to families to explain that even if their student earns all of their needed credits to graduate before their 12th grade year, their student is still required to attend school unless an early grad application has been submitted and approved? Foresee this being an issue for counselors/attendance secretaries/registrars down the line.
  • Case Management Planning Period for SPED staff – How many planning periods? One per day or one every other day?


  • Timeline/Deadline
  • Inventory of Trimester course to Semester courses (Clean Up)

Requires deeper conversation with IHS (Add Steve Smith)

  • Work Group Values
    • Develop a schedule that first prioritizes SpEd and EL services.
    • Allow flexibility within schedule for student access to affinity groups, enrichment/extensions, interventions
    • Maintain or decrease class size
    • Semester coordination for families and the community
    • Increase planning and collaboration time
    • Scheduling Stipend for Case Management. What about ELL?
  • IHS
    • Itinerant teachers?
    • Will we have enough hours for IB requirements in jr & sr year?
    • Class size minimums in order to run a class?
    • IHS comes after SPED/ELL
    • IB Courses need 150 hours to earn credit
      • 240 hours for higher level
      • 34 days x 85 minutes – 48 hours per semester (54 hours shy of what is needed)


  • Pre-schedule SPED & ELL
    • Create opportunities for SPED, ELL, and groups. Guiding the work of everything else. This group should be checking the work of other students. Value process.
    • How are we building in the day a time for GEN ED and SPED to collaborate. IEP meetings?
    • Input from registrar, teachers, counselors, and administrators to (special interest groups for scheduling)
  • Pay ELL & SpEd case managers to come back early so students can be scheduled prior to all other students; front end of scheduling
  • Prescribed support classes for SpEd/IEP student
  • Will things be allowed to be an A and a B in the same semester (like AP/IB that need more hours)? AP/IB
    • AP 0.5 credit per semester
    • IB – Required hours per course
      • 150 for standard/210 for higher level
      • 6 tests 3 (SS, Sci, LA) must be higher level to earn full diploma
  • Can you accelerate by doing both A/B days? World language A/B
    • Concerns about IB classes and credits. Semester schedule makes it difficult for the hours needed
    • Check the IB of different schools and districts. How do you work around IB or foreign language classes?
    • Special Interest groups
  • AP/IB- separate Committee
  • What about the arts? Marching band, etc.
  • Concerns with the 90-minute classes: Conferencing with students- PD’s- Make a connection with the student.