Although our classified substitutes do not have access to our full benefits package, we still have a safe-guard for you to fall into when it comes to paid time off. Our subs earn 1 hour of sick time per 30 hours worked.
Licensed guest teachers may be offered full benefits depending on hours worked the previous school year. If a guest teacher does not have full benefits, they still have access to substitute sick time.
If you will be out sick and want to use earned sick time, login to Frontline and remove yourself from that position/day with reason “Sick”. You can remove yourself from one day in a multi-day assignment if needed. This will allow the system to find a replacement for you as well as document that you were sick.
After you have removed yourself, fill out this Google form to Request to Use Accrued Sick Leave. The reason must be a qualifying reason under ORS 653.616.
You can, at any time, check your paid sick time balances on the bottom of your pay stub. To view an electronic pay stub, go to your Employee Online account.
If you would like more information regarding sick time, you can view board policy GCBDD/GDBDD here.