When: The Eugene School Board usually meets in regular public sessions on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. This schedule sometimes varies, and additional meetings and work sessions are scheduled as necessary. Recent and upcoming meetings are listed in the drop down menu below.
Where: Meetings are held at the 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe St. in Eugene, and online via Zoom.
What: Agendas and meeting materials for the current school year are posted in the meeting drop-down menu below and on 4J’s BoardBook webpage the Friday evening before each board meeting.
Recordings: Board meeting recordings for the current school year are linked in the meeting drop-down menu below. Board meeting archives for previous years are available online.
Superintendent Search Committee |
Superintendent Search Committee |
Wed., Oct. 2, 2024, 3 p.m. |
Regular Board Meeting |
Board Work Session |
Superintendent Search Committee |
Legislative Committee |
Superintendent Search Committee |
Board Work Session |
Regular Board Meeting |
Equity Committee |
Tues., Dec. 10, 5:30 p.m. |
Superintendent Search Committee |
Board Work Session |
Regular Board Meeting |
Superintendent Search Committee |
CANCELED Legislative Committee |
Tues., March 11, 2025, 4:15 p.m. |
Regular Board Meeting |
Work Session |
Special Meeting
Special Meeting (Virtual)
Work Session
Work Session |
Regular Meeting |
Members of the public are welcome to observe any regular or specially scheduled board meeting or work session. On occasion the board may hold an executive session to cover specific types of confidential information; executive sessions are not open to the public, in accordance with Oregon law.
Attend in person: Board meetings and work sessions are held in person, at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St., with the option of remote participation. The hybrid format gives all participants—board members, staff, speakers, audience members—the opportunity to join in virtually or in person.
Attend virtually: Board meetings and work sessions are open to the public via live broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7 FM, audio streamed online, and video streamed via Zoom, pursuant to ORS 192.670. Board subcommittee meetings are video streamed via Zoom but are not on the radio or audio live-streamed.
Each regular school board meeting normally has time set aside for public comment; this is listed on the agenda as “Items Raised by the Audience.” (Work sessions and special meetings normally do not include public comment.) Board members also read emails with written comments sent to board@4j.lane.edu.
To request to speak to the board in the next public comment period in a board meeting, submit a request by 5 p.m. on the Monday before the meeting. Up to 10 community members will be scheduled to provide public comment at each meeting, with a 3-minute time limit per speaker. If more than 10 people request to speak, priority will be given to residents who did not provide public comment during the previous two meetings, then the selection of speakers will be determined randomly.
Request to speak form (by 5 p.m. the Monday before the board meeting)
Email the school board
Visit the Board Meeting Archives for agendas, written meeting summaries and links to audio and video recordings of previous school years’ board meetings.