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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Interim Superintendent Goals

Interim Superintendent Goals

The school board hires and oversees the work of the superintendent, who as the district’s chief executive officer is tasked with implementing policies adopted by the board and managing the overall day-to-day operations of 4J. In adopting goals of its own, the board also has established goals for the interim superintendent.

Interim Superintendent Goals for 2024-2025 School Year

Adopted Sept. 4, 2024 | PDF Version

  • 4J as a Gem: Maintain and reaffirm a strong commitment to education excellence through demonstrated community collaboration and implementation of antiracist, racial equity, equity, and inclusion (anti-ableist) policies and practices to support all students, staff, families, and 4J community. 

  • Mentor and Affirm the Team: Coach, empower, and support district leadership and staff toward quality, focused, and effective financial management and operations to lead for teaching, learning, and equity and to better support school staff serving students and families.

  • Grow Community and Staff Trust and Partnership: Reconnect and build internal and external community collaboration and relations through transparency, invitation and partnership across entities.

  • Secure 4J’s Future: Support the Board in living into their stated values, operating within their working agreements, focusing on policy development, budgeting, and, most critically, the hiring and onboarding of the next superintendent.