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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Facility Use Fee Schedule



The criteria below are used to determine class designations for all uses of school facilities.  The classes are listed in order of priority with Class I being the highest.

Sponsorship means the sponsoring entity is directly involved in coordinating, funding, planning, and operating the activity.

Co-Sponsorship means two or more agencies or organizations through a joint arrangement provide assistance to one another in putting on an activity in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Coordination
  2. Funding
  3. Planning
  4. In-kind Services


All requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the requested use or rental date.


All facility use is reserved using our online reservation system.  Click on Enter a Facility Rental Request to apply for use of our Facilities. 


For Questions:

Send an email to:

Call:  541-790-7406


    1. School sponsored activities for students (school clubs, intramural).
    2. School sponsored activities for patrons (plays, open houses).
    3. School related groups and organizations co-sponsored by the school (meetings of PTA/PTO, local school advisory committees, school recognized booster clubs).
    4. District 4J sponsored or co-sponsored activities (wellness, staff development and student enrichment activities).
    5. District approved Municipal Park & Recreation sponsored programs and activities.
    6. District approved non-profit community organization sponsored programs for school age children (except those events which have the primary purpose of fund raising).  See Youth Group Facility Use Guidelines for details.
    7. Official Municipal Neighborhood organization meetings (groups that do not require membership fees for dues).


    A contract will need to be signed and insurance provided.

    All District 4J employees who are hired by the district to supervise the district Facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity (including overtime hours for Class I activities) must be reimbursed to District 4J by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Faciliites Management Office.

    NOTE:School Sponsored” = an activity which the District directly and completely coordinates, funds, plans and directs, and is staffed by District employee.  For Athletics, the event/activity/contest occurs during the OSAA or corresponding governing bodies’ sanctioned season.  District self-insurance covers activities.

  • Groups that would otherwise be classified as Class III users, and all of whose participants are students enrolled in a 4J K12 program or are 18 years of age or younger.

    DISTRICT WIDE Standard Classroom / Common Area $20.00/hr

    Specialized Classroom

    (Library / Band / Choir / Computer Lab / Little Theater)

    ELEMENTARY Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $25.00/hr
    ELEMENTARY Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $25.00/hr
    MIDDLE Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $30.00/hr
    MIDDLE Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $30.00/hr
    HIGH Cafeteria / Large Instructional Area $30.00/hr
    HIGH Parking Lot* $30.00/hr


    Limited Availability



    Churchill or Sheldon (600 seats)

    Limited Availability



    South Eugene High (850 seats)

    Limited Availability



    North Eugene High (425 seats)

    Limited Availability




    During Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodian $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD/hr


    Outside Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodian $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD.00/hr


    All District 4J employees who are hired by the district to supervise the district facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity must be reimbursed to District 4J by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Facilities Management Office.

    *Parking lot charges will not be assessed when other facilities are being rented.

    **District building alarm responses will be charged a fee of $110.00 per occurrence.


    1. Community organization meetings of a civic or service nature.
    2. Church sponsored activities if fees or donations are not collected beyond the rental costs.
    3. Church services
    4. Meetings sponsored by county, city, state, and federal agencies including local water boards, commissions, etc.
    5. Adult or youth education programs sponsored by local non-profit educational institutions (UO, LCC, Portland State).
    6. Local groups if no fees are charged to participants beyond the rental costs.
    7. Local non-profit organizations if no fees are charged to participants beyond the rental costs.
    8. Individuals offering private lessons or small group tutoring.
    DISTRICT WIDE Standard Classroom / Common Area $24.00/hr

    Specialized Classroom

    (Library / Band / Choir / Computer Lab / Little Theater)

    ELEMENTARY Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $30.00/hr
    ELEMENTARY Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $30.00/hr
    MIDDLE Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $36.00/hr
    MIDDLE Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $36.00/hr
    HIGH Cafeteria / Large Instructional Area $36.00/hr
    HIGH Parking Lot* $36.00/hr


    Limited Availability



    Churchill or Sheldon (600 seats)

    Limited Availability




    South Eugene High (850 seats)

    Limited Availability



    North Eugene High (425 seats)

    Limited Availability




    During Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodian $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD/hr


    Outside Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodian $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD/hr


    All District 4J employees who are hired by the district to supervise the district facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity must be reimbursed to the district by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Facilities Management Office.

    *Parking lot charges will not be assessed when other facilities are being rented.

    **District building alarm responses will be charged a fee of $110.00 per occurrence.

    1. Non-profit organizations collecting admission fees or donations beyond the rental costs.
    2. Profit making organizations.
    3. Fundraising activities by groups otherwise approved for free or reduced rates.
    DISTRICT WIDE Standard Classroom / Common Area $48.00/hr

    Specialized Classroom

    (Library / Band / Choir / Computer Lab / Little Theater)

    ELEMENTARY Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $60.00/hr
    ELEMENTARY Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $60.00/hr
    MIDDLE Gym / Multi-Purpose / Cafeteria $72.00/hr
    MIDDLE Outdoor Covered Structures / Parking Lot* $72.00/hr
    HIGH Cafeteria / Large Instructional Area $72.00/hr
    HIGH Parking Lot* $72.00/hr


    Limited Availability



    Churchill or Sheldon (600 seats)

    Limited Availability



    South Eugene High (850 seats)

    Limited Availability



    North Eugene High (425 seats)

    Limited Availability




    During Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodian $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $44.45/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD/hr


    Outside Normal Operating Hours Rate:

    Personnel Rates Custodial $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Supervision $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Grounds $66.67/hr
    Personnel Rates Maintenance $TBD/hr


    All District 4J employees who are hired by the district to supervise the district facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity must be reimbursed to the district by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Facilities Management Office.

    *Parking lot charges will not be assessed when other facilities are being rented.

    **District building alarm responses will be charged a fee of $110.00 per occurrence.


  • Eugene School District 4J and the City of Eugene have a joint use agreement for all turf fields.  Turf field requests can only be requested outside of the school’s normal operating hours and after any school sports activities.  Requests are submitted to the City of Eugene for rental, CLICK HERE FOR LINK.

    Grass Fields Elementary Schools $25.00/hr $30.00/hr $60.00/hr
    Grass Fields Middle Schools $30.00/hr $36.00/hr $72.00/hr
    Turf Fields Middle Schools N/A**** N/A**** N/A****
    Track (gravel) Spencer Butte only $25.00/hr $30.00/hr $60.00/hr
    Grass Fields

    High Schools

    Limited Availability

    $30.00/hr $36.00/hr $72.00/hr
    Turf Fields High Schools N/A**** N/A**** N/A****

    South Eugene & Sheldon only

    Limited Availability

    $50.00/hr $60.00/hr $120.00/hr
    Softball Turf Field 2 hour minimum* $35.00/hr $42.00/hr $84.00/hr
    Softball Hitting Facility Does not include bathrooms $35.00/hr $42.00/hr $84.00/hr

    4 hour minimum*

    Events only

    $15.00/hr $15.00/hr $15.00/hr
    Tournament Fee


    Includes Bathrooms

    $500.00/day $600.00/day $1,200.00/day


    *Warm-up time not billed separately, included with game time.

    **Terms and Conditions document must be signed with contract and insurance.

    ***Playing fields are rented “as is”.  If prep work by the District is required and available, labor and materials will also be charged.

    ****Turf fields are not rentable during school operating hours and after school activities or athletics.  Rentals are through the City of Eugene.  Lights are an additional fee.

    All District 4J employees who are hired by the district to supervise district facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity must be reimbursed to the district by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Facilities Management Office.