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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Community Facilities Use - Terms and Conditions


When space is available, community members may apply to reserve District facilities.  The requested times may not interfere with the Eugene School District 4J instructional programs, student athletics or student activities and school related groups.

All facilities use is reserved using our online reservation system.  Prior to submitting a request, please ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed all terms and conditions located on our website.  It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these terms, conditions, and rules before proceeding with your request.  Your compliance with these terms is essential.

Insurance Requirements

Facility Use Fee Schedule

Availability Schedule


All requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the requested use or rental date.


All facility use is reserved using our online reservation system.  Click on Enter a Facility Rental Request to apply for use of our Facilities.


For Questions:

Send an email to:

Call:  541-790-7406


Administrative Procedures:
The terms and conditions by reference become part of the lease agreement or contract when a lease or contract is executed by the user and Lane County School District 4J.  All terms and conditions can be found on the “Use of Facilities” page.  All questions pertaining to use of school facilities not covered on the website, should be referred to the Facilities Management Office, email


All groups and/or individuals using Lane County School District 4J facilities under all Classes including those that are school sponsored, and/or approved youth groups using facilities for no cost or a nominal fee, must adhere to all Lane County School District 4J Terms and Conditions and Board Policies.  In addition, the group’s local, regional (if any), and national (if any) policies must comply with all Lane County School District 4J Terms and Conditions and Board Policies.  It is the responsibility of the Administrator or Principal to ensure that these requirements are met.


Lane County School District 4J shall not sponsor or continue the sponsorship of any individual or group whose local, regional, or national policy or practice does not comply with Lane County School District 4J’s non-discrimination and harassment policy.  Further, all individuals or groups sponsored by Lane County School District 4J shall agree to comply with the district non-discrimination and harassment policy.


It is the Administrator, Principal, Athletic Director, or Facilities Management Office’s responsibility to ascertain that the proposed activity:

  1. Will not violate District 4J or OSAA policies
  2. Will not be harmful to the school facility
  3. Will not interrupt the school’s programs
  4. Will appropriately fit into the building use calendar
  5. Will have adequate and appropriate supervision
  6. Will not cause or allow a breach in security


Lane County School District 4J groups are allowed to recruit during the school day as long as they have permission from the building principal or administrator.  Non-District groups shall not be allowed to recruit in schools during the school day elementary and middle schools.


It is the policy of Lane County School District 4J that district facilities shall be made available, under capable and responsible adult (age 18) supervision, for community activities of an educational, recreational or civic nature.  Lane County School District 4J reserves the right to grant or deny permission for use of district facilities at its sole discretion.


Use of Lane County School District 4J facilities for church, partisan, political or sectarian purposes may be granted; however, such approval in no way implies the districts endorsement or sponsorship of these activities.  Board Policy KG


To view the availability schedule please visit page FACILITIES AVAILABILITY.


The administration is authorized by the Board to cancel building use permits when it is apparent that such action is necessary for the best interest of the district.  Nevertheless, the district will attempt to give at least a week’s cancelation notice if a group’s approval to use facilities must be revoked.


No group shall be granted the use of any facility with the presence of a trained supervisor approved by the district.  The district and the using organization must agree on the level and type of supervision required.  The role of the facility supervisor shall be clearly defined by the district and the using organization’s representative.


As long as a facility supervisor is qualified and mutually acceptable, she/he/they/them does not need to be an employee of the district or the using organization.  However, if the faculty supervisor is not an employee of the district or the using organization, she/he/they/them must be a registered volunteer of one or the other.  A volunteer so registered becomes an “agent” for the organization with whom they are registered and thus should be covered under that group’s liability insurance.  The employing organization is responsible for the actions of all employees, volunteers or agents.


All district employees who are hired by the district to supervise district facilities will be paid through the 4J payroll department.  Costs for 4J hired labor provided for a specific activity (including overtime hours for Class I activities) must be reimbursed to the district by the using group or department.  These hours will be billed by the Facilities Management Office.


The district reserves the right to require police supervision at any event the administration deems necessary, and to charge the user for that supervision.


District keys should not be shared or given to non-district employees without appropriate record keeping and accountability.  If the principal or administration deems it necessary to issue a key, a $50.00 deposit must be charged and a key Form 7-E completed.  The deposit will be retained in the school’s petty cash account and will be forfeited if the key is not returned by the date specified.  Keys must be returned annually or at the end of each season.


Security ID badges should not be issued to anyone other than district staff members assigned to the site to be used.  If this is not possible and the principal or administration deems it necessary, clearance may be obtained from the Facilities Management Office.


Municipal Park and Recreation departments and youth organizations, including Kidsports and YMCA, ar required to comply with the above security guidelines.


Any organization sponsoring the use of the building or grounds shall assume liability for any accidents that occur upon the grounds or in the buildings during the times such facilities are in use under its direction.  The using organization is required to provide to the Facilities Management Office proof of adequate insurance coverage with the district named as additional insured.  Please see the INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS page for additional details.


The building administrator, designated supervisor, or Facilities Management administration has the right to stop any activity at any time if in his or her judgment there are violations of the rules contained in this document, or if the activity is deemed to be hazardous to personnel, property, equipment, or participants.


If damages occur during the use of a facility, documentation must be provided by the supervisor detailing the date, time, location, nature of the damage, and the responsible party.  The principal, administrator and the Facility Management Office should be notified as soon as practicable and photos taken if possible.


Use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and illicit drugs in any form is prohibited on school premises.  Weapons are also prohibited on school property, see Board Policy KGB and Board Policy KGBB.  The maximum number of people permitted in any school facility shall be restricted to its seating capacity as indicated by the fire marshal.


If a non-school group agrees to pay the assessed charges which fully cover the cost of providing heat or air-conditioning for activities which occur outside of normal staff working days and hours (when buildings are normally heated or cooled), this service may be provided.  The Facilities Management Office will provide an estimate of the cost according to each individual circumstance.


Equipment and furniture, including pianos, shall be used and moved only with the approval of the principal, administrator or Facilities Management Office.  Schools must repair or replace equipment and supplies depleted by the user from the school’s own budget, and so may bill the user directly for an appropriate amount to cover such costs.


Items of equipment such as audio-visual or athletic equipment, chairs, bleachers, etc., shall not be loaned nor rented for use off the school premises.  However, such equipment may be loaned to cooperating organizations (e.g. parks & rec. or business school partners) for district related non-commerical activities.


  1. Gym and Multi-Purpose Rooms: Appropriate (non-marking) gym shoes are required of all participant involved in active sports and games.
  2. Food may only be served or eaten in the cafeteria.
  3. Cafeterias: No food preparation should occur in these spaces.  Catered events are allowed only in cafeteria areas and must be communicated at time of the facility use request.
  4. Kitchens:  Are not available for use or rent.
  5. Outdoor Facilities: Groups wishing to schedule and reserve outdoor facilities will be required to request through the online facilities use request and charges may be accessed.  All users of outdoor areas will be expected to provide clean-up.  During the summer where outdoor facilities have not been reserved, they may be used on a first-come, first-served basis.


All users of district facilities must comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations, including all laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.


The criteria on the FACILITY USE FEE SCHEDULE page are used to determine class designations for all uses of school facilities.  The classes are listed in order of priority with Class I being the highest.

Sponsorship means the sponsoring entity is directly involved in coordinating, funding, planning, and operating the activity.

Co-Sponsorship means two or more agencies or organizations through a joint arrangement provide assistance to one another in putting on an activity in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Coordination
  2. Funding
  3. Planning
  4. In-kind Services