An email account will be created for each student. Email accounts for students in grades 6-12 are automatically activated. Email allows students to communicate with their teachers and other students, as well as with people throughout the world. Students are also able to subscribe to mailing lists to engage in group discussions related to their class work.
If you do not want your child to have a 4J email account, please complete this form and return it to your child’s school. Your denial request will be placed in your child’s record, and your child’s email account will not be activated.
TO: Principal at ______________________ School
I, ____________________________________________, parent or guardian of
________________________________ do not wish School District 4J to create a 4J email account for my child.
Parent or Legal Guardian’s Signature ____________________________ Date ___________________
Note to Principal: Please forward a copy of this form to Computing and Information Services (CIS).