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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

First-Time Benefits Enrollment Information and Process

New Employee Information

Congratulations on your new position at Eugene School District 4J!  We are excited to have you on board and hope that this page is useful in assisting you with your benefits questions and enrollments.  Here are a few things that will be helpful to know:

  • Your benefits are effective on the first day of the month following your benefit eligible position start date
  • You have 14 days from your start date to turn in your benefit enrollments paperwork to the benefits department located at the district office.
    • You can mail them or drop them off at the Ed Center located at 200 N. Monroe St. Eugene OR 97402
    • You can also fax them to 541-790-7665
    • You can email them to
  • All benefit eligible employees are eligible for the same benefits, however the employee cost will vary based on your employment classification and status.
  • There are several benefit elections that you need to make.  You will need to choose a medical plan and network, dental plan, and decide if you would like to participate in optional life insurance programs.
  • You will also have the opportunity to waive any of the above listed enrollments.
  • The district provides you with a basic life insurance, accident insurance and long term disability insurance.


Important things to know before making your benefit elections

In order to make the paperwork and understanding of benefits a bit easier, here are some key pieces of information that will be helpful to know before you explore the benefits website and complete your paperwork.  If you do not know this information, it can typically be found in your employment offer letter and/or your Welcome email from your HR Contact.

  • Your Full Time Employment (FTE) status (examples below)
    • 1.0 is full-time, working or regularly scheduled 40 hours per week
    • .75 is part-time, benefit eligible regularly scheduled more than 30 hours per week
    • We offer benefits to employees that have a FTE of .50 or greater
  • Are you a Classified, Licensed or MAPS employee?
  • How many pay checks are you set to receive?
    • We are paid monthly, on the last day of the month.
    • Most employees are 12 check employees and will receive one check every month. There are a few employee classifications that are 10 check employees.
  • Important Dates:
    • Your hire date or first date of working in a new benefit eligible position
      • Your benefits will be effective the first day of the month following your benefit eligible position start date
    • The date your benefits enrollment paperwork is due
      • This is 2 weeks AFTER your hire date.
    • You will need to turn in your benefit enrollment forms to the HR office at the District Ed Center. You can send them via district mail from your location or drop them off directly at 200 North Monroe Street, Eugene OR 97402.  You can fax them to 541-790-7665 or scan and email them to

Enrollment Instructions

  1. Review the information on this page for details about your employment that you will need to know in order to enroll
  2. Review the Benefit Enrollment Essentials electronic guide:
    1. Classified: 2024-25 New Hire Benefits Essentials – Classified
    2. Licensed: 2024-25 New Hire Benefits Essentials – Licensed
    3. MAPS: 2024-25 New Hire Benefits Essentials – MAPS
  3. Review the medical plan choices.  See more details of the medical plans.
    • Moda:
      1. The Connexus network is a large group of providers and you will need to pick a PCP 360 to receive “enhanced benefits”.
      2. The medical plan refers to the plans called Plan 2 (Licensed Employees Only), Plan 3 and Plan 4 (Classified, Licensed, and MAPS Employees).
    • Kaiser Permanente Plan 1 (Classified Employees Only), Kaiser Permanente Plan 2A (Classified, Licensed, MAPS Employees)
  4. Review the optional life coverage options.  You can enroll in optional life for yourself, your spouse and/or your children. Optional life details and rates.
  5. Print and complete the 2024-2025 New Enrollment Form from below
  6. Review each of the additional forms below and see if any of them apply to you.  If so, print them and distribute as necessary.
  7. Turn in Health Benefit related enrollment forms to the HR office within 14 days of your start date.
  8. Ensure that your 4J email address is set up and you are checking it regularly.  You will get confirmation of your enrollment as well as many other important documents sent there.

Enrollment Paperwork


As a new benefit eligible employee there is a series of required forms you need to complete. Below is a list (w/ links) for you.

  • Benefits Package Forms (Required) – This form is a checklist of each of the forms necessary as well as a list of required notices for you to review. Review each section to determine if you need to print and return the form or just review it.
    • You must print this checklist, initial each line item, sign the form and return it to the HR office
  • 2024-25 New Hire Enrollment Forms (Required) –  This is the form you will use to enroll in benefits. You will choose coverage, list dependents and identify beneficiaries. This form is required, EVEN IF YOU OPT OUT OF MEDICAL COVERAGE. This form is due 2 weeks from your hire date.
  • Wellness Clinic Enrollment Form (Required) – Please complete this form to add all eligible dependents to the Wellness Clinic Enrollment even if you are not enrolling them on your insurance plan.
  • 2024-25 Flexible Spending Enrollment Form – If you are electing to participate in the Flexible Spending Account FSA plan, you will need to complete the form and return it to HR. This form is due 2 weeks from your hire date. 
    • A Health Care FSA is for health care related expenses
    • A Dependent Care FSA is for childcare related expenses
  • PERS-Beneficiary-Packet- This form must be completed by all benefit eligible employees and needs to be notarized. This designates your beneficiary on your PERS account.  Please note that you will MAIL this packet to the address on the top of the form.  This does NOT get sent to HR.
  • 403(b) TSA Salary Reduction form– This is a required form if you are a Licensed, Classifed, or MAPS employee as this is a company provided benefit for.  Please follow directions on this form for enrollment process.  For more details visit the 403(b) TSA page.