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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Academics -- New Home

Academic Access and Achievement

The information located within the Instructional Services department website has been created to answer any questions you may have and direct you to the information that will ultimately help us reach our goal which is to “do the best for kids with the resources that are available.”

Within the Instructional Services department there are many specific and unique programs. Our website has been designed to inform you about and clarify the nature of these many programs.

The Instructional Services department’s mission—to help staff prepare students for the 21st century—is congruent with Eugene School District 4J’s vision, “Investing in students, creating the future.” Toward these ends, Instructional Services initiates and identifies ideas to improve curriculum and instruction at all 4J schools.

An area of focus for the district and all schools is to address the achievement gap and ensure that all students succeed at high levels.

The Instructional Services department has a history of providing leadership and support for quality instructional programs. Our beliefs about the 4J school district, our students, the staff, the community and parents, and our resources have evolved over time and reflect our rich history of instructional services.

For general Inquiries email or call 541-790-7550.