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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Full Description of TIP Process

Full Description of TIP Process

  • Technology Improvement Project (TIP) projects
    • Schools and departments wanting to add to or enhance existing technology systems need to submit a Technology Improvement Project(TIP) ticket and go through this process.  Please note that larger and more significant projects are governed by a different process and should be instigated by your manager, director or Principal.
  • Current status of reviews and timeline of process
    • The Technology Improvement Project (TIP) process is detailed and can take time to work through.  TIP tickets are reviewed on a weekly basis and staff can expect to receive a response within a week from submitting it.  Once the initial Technology Improvement Project Ticket has been submitted and the first response has been given staff should expect 1-3 weeks of time for IT staff to review the request, get additional information on related systems and effects on these systems, potential costs of the request and discuss current capacity within IT.  Once the rough parameters for these items have been assessed and estimated effort determined a follow up response will be submitted with the ticket.  If the funding and effort level receives initial approval by the leaders involved a final project scope will be presented to everyone for final approval and the project will proceed.  The full timeline of this process can vary depending on many factors, including, amount of research required, current staff capacity and cost/budgeting factors.  Another big factor effecting the timeline is the amount of time taken to get information from requestors when additional information is needed.  When IT requests for additional information and clarifications are responded to quickly the project usually can proceed faster.
  • Why is this required
    • The district has vast Information Technology systems to maintain and many needs to fulfill with limited resources.  System additions and enhancement requests must be weighed against other needs and requests as well as current capacity.  Additional considerations include how the requests will affect related and interconnected systems.  For example, adding a projector in a room might also require additional network equipment/capacity, access to power and cabling system adjustments.  Having a thorough review of requests helps review existing systems, address any safety concerns and produce an accurate cost estimate.  This also lets us know if we need to bring in additional departments, like facilities, into the decision making process.
  • What to expect
    • Once the initial Technology Improvement Project Ticket has been submitted and the first response has been given staff should expect 1-3 weeks of time for IT staff to review the request, get additional information on related systems and effects on these systems, potential costs and discuss capacity and capability within IT.  Requestors can expect additional questions and clarifying  queries from IT to make sure the project goals are understood.  Requestors should expect to stay involved with this process as the collaboration between the requestor and the IT Project manager is very important to this process.  If a request for information has gone more than 2 weeks without a response from the requestor the IT Project Manager will assume the project is no longer active.