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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.


Every U.S. state requires certain immunizations (also known as vaccines, vaccinations, inoculations or shots) for children to attend school. Oregon’s immunization law helps protect kids and communities against 11 different diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and Hib. Some of these diseases are more common than others, but all still exist and can be serious.

To attend public schools, charter schools, private schools, preschools and childcare facilities in Oregon, students must have a complete and up-to-date record of vaccination, medical or nonmedical exemption, or immunity documentation for every immunization required for the student’s grade.

  • What parents need to do: Before a child starts school, the parent or guardian must complete, sign and submit an Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status, showing compliance with state immunization requirements. The information submitted must include the date each immunization was received. Certificate of Immunization Status

    Which immunizations are required: Students must be immunized against polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, varicella (chicken pox), and Tdap (some grades). The number of doses required varies depending on the student’s age and grade level. Some other important vaccines are recommended by health care providers but are not required for school attendance. Required Immunizations

    Where to get immunizations: Vaccines are available at many health care providers’ offices, many pharmacies, Lane County Public Health (541-682-4041), and the school-based health centers at North Eugene (541-790-4445) and Churchill (541-790-5227). Call for information or to schedule an appointment.

    Locating immunization records: This article contains some tips for parents looking for their children’s immunization records. Tips on finding old immunization records

    Medical exemptions: If there is a medical reason for the student not to have immunizations, the parent must provide a signed letter from a licensed physician documenting the medical exemption or immunity and the reason for it, along with the completed Certificate of Immunization Status. Medical exemptions are reviewed and approved by the health department.

    Nonmedical exemptions: If a parent seeks a nonmedical exemption from one or more required immunizations, the parent must provide a completed Vaccine Education Certificate, available from a health care practitioner or from the online vaccine education module, along with the completed Certificate of Immunization Status. The Vaccine Education Certificate must be valid for all of the vaccines for which a nonmedical immunization exemption is being sought. A separate certificate is required for each child. Information about exemptions

    What if a parent does not show compliance with immunization requirements: Students must have current school records of all required vaccinations or valid exemptions to continue attending school on and after Exclusion Day, a date set by the State of Oregon that is in February of each school year.

  • Below are the recent immunization and exemption rates for each Eugene School District 4J school, as well as for the five charter schools located in the district. Exemption rates for all schools in Oregon are available on the Oregon Health Authority’s website.