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School Board Meeting Summary: Oct. 2, 2019

October 2, 2019
School Board Work Session and Regular Meeting

On Wednesday, October 2, 2019, the school board held a work session regarding student assessment, followed by a regular board meeting.

Work Session: Balanced System of Assessment

The school board heard an overview and discussed student assessments that are used to assess learning and inform teaching in the district.

Assessment is a key element of teaching and learning:

  • STANDARDS tell us WHAT students need to know and be able to do. Academic learning standards are established and required by the state.
  • CURRICULUM is WHAT resources teachers use to teach students what they need to learn to reach the standards.
  • INSTRUCTION is HOW teachers teach students what they need to learn to reach the standards.
  • ASSESSMENT is how we MEASURE students’ knowledge and skills based on the standards.

Assessment ranges from quick check-ins to assess students’ understanding of a concept, to broad summative assessments at the end of a course or school year. A balanced assessment system includes:

  • FORMATIVE assessment: Assessment FOR learning
  • INTERIM assessment: Assessment of progress and diagnostics
  • SUMMATIVE assessment: Assessment OF learning

The information presentation described the foundational elements of learning and teaching and the role assessment plays in student learning, explored the district’s balanced system of assessment, reviewed specific assessments used in the district, discussed how each of these types of assessment is currently being used and current efforts underway to support use of data to inform instruction, and gave an update on the multi-year assessment adoption process underway with a teacher-driven committee considering alternatives to the long-used EasyCBM system for progress monitoring.

Board members discussed the information presented, asked questions, and shared considerations for future discussion. Additional discussions about student assessment will be scheduled on future board agendas.

Assessment overview presentation 


Orientation and Introduction of Student Board Members

A second work session was held for the introduction and orientation of student board representatives for 2019–20. The student representatives were formally installed and took the oath of office at the beginning of the regular board meeting.


Board Meeting

The school board’s regular business meeting followed the work sessions.


Information Items (no board action is normally expected to be taken)

  • Received an update on implementation of board resolution in support of students and families regardless of immigration status: In February 2017 the school board approved a resolution affirming the district’s commitment to a safe and supportive school environment for all students regardless of national origin, immigration status, or documentation status. District staff provided an update on how this resolution was implemented immediately following the resolution as well as the actions taken since to support students and families irrespective of immigration status.
  • Received a report on the 2019 OAKS statewide assessment results: Students complete annual state tests of reading, writing and math in grades 3–8 and 11. State tests are only one measure of student learning, but they provide useful information for parents, schools and districts. Statewide assessment results released in September showed that the proficiency rate (percentage of students reaching levels 3 or 4 in the assessment) in English Language Arts and Math decreased in 2019 compared to 2018, both in Eugene School District 4J and across the state. (The Science OAKS tests are new and their scores will not be available until a later date.) Assessment results help show where changes or extra attention are needed to help all students succeed—and the 2019 data show that Oregon schools still have a long way to go to meet goals for student achievement and closing opportunity gaps among different groups of students. 4J students in 2019 continued to outperform most other Oregon districts and exceed the Oregon average in every grade and subject and in most student groups. However, better-than-average is not good enough, and the district is continuing constant efforts to improve student learning achievement. 
  • Received a bond update on school construction and program moves: Preparations are underway for design and construction of new buildings funded by the 2018 bond measure and associated program moves. Schematic design is getting underway for the new North Eugene High School, which will be constructed at the west end of the school property, where the former Silver Lea school building and the high school softball field are located now. In summer 2020 Corridor Elementary School will move to the North Eugene High School building. Yujin Gakuen Elementary School will move to the Kelly Middle School building and connect K–8 with the middle school grades of the Yujin Gakuen Japanese immersion program already located at Kelly. A new softball field will be constructed at North Eugene near the baseball field, southwest of the existing building. Also in summer 2020, Edison Elementary School will move to its temporary school location (“swing school”) at the Willard site at 29th and Lincoln, to make way for removal of the old Edison building and construction of the new school. During the 2019–20 year, the existing Willard gym will be renovated, portions of the old facility will be removed, and swing school classrooms will be constructed with a combination of pre-fabricated building space and some modular buildings that can later be relocated for use at other district sites. After the new Edison opens in 2022, the swing school will be used to house Camas Ridge Elementary School operations during construction of that new school facility. Staff provided an update on these plans for school construction and program relocations. 
  • Received an update on Student Success Act community engagement: The 2019 Oregon Legislature approved the Student Success Act to invest more funds in public schools, to be implemented with a focus on educational equity, stakeholder engagement, and shared accountability for student success. Eugene School District 4J expects to be able to access about $12–13 million per year (about 5% of the district’s current general fund budget) through the Student Investment Account beginning in 2020–21. Student Investment Account funds must be used to increase academic achievement, reduce academic disparities for historically underserved groups of students, and meet students’ behavioral or mental health needs. Each school district must develop a plan for how to invest this additional education funding, informed by student data and an equity lens, and with community engagement including input from staff, students and families from historically underserved communities. Staff provided an update on the district’s Student Success Act community engagement, which includes multiple online surveys, community forums, outreach to stakeholder groups, and feedback loops; and goes beyond what is prescribed, with the required first phase of input in September to inform the District Needs Assessment, followed by a second phase of engagement in November regarding potential investments to support student success. 


Board Actions

  • Approved Naviance software license: After pulling the item from the consent agenda for additional information and discussion, the board gave unanimous approval to a three-year license renewal continuing the district’s access to Naviance, a web-based software solution, as a resource to support college and career planning with high school and middle school students. This career and college readiness tool guides students, in collaboration with counselors, teachers and parents, to explore and plan a path to achieve career goals. The tool also provides counselors with time saving features like electronic transcript provisioning and master schedule development to align student college and career goals. 
  • Approved items on the consent agenda: August 8 and August 28 work session minutes, bond-funded capital improvement project awards (Willard School asbestos abatement), personnel actions


Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

  • Discussed board working agreements briefly, with further discussion to come at future meetings
  • Discussed proposed policy updates: Proposed policy revisions, additions and deletions to conform to changes in state law and updates to policy best practices, and to change language from “citizen” to “community member” to be more inclusive of all district students and families.

BA Board Goals (revision)
BBA Board Powers and Duties (revision)
BCF Advisory Committees to the Board (revision)
CPA Layoff and Recall of Administrative Personnel (adoption)
ECAB Vandalism/ Malicious Mischief/ Theft (revision)
GBDA Milk Expression (revision)
JECB Admission of Nonresident Students (revision)
JFC Student Conduct (revision)
JGAB Use of Restraint and Seclusion (revision)
JHFDA Suspension of Student Driving Privileges (delete)
IBDJA Homeschooled Students (adoption)

  • Discussed initiating the curriculum adoption process for middle school math: The board received a report and discussed a future adoption process for middle school math curriculum. In 2017, 4J math teacher leaders designed the district’s Math Pathway course sequence and placement options, and provided a multi-step plan for increasing success for all students, with particular emphasis on historically marginalized student groups. One part of this plan includes the adoption of new instructional materials to support a districtwide scope and sequence for math learning in grades 6–10. In addition, current middle school math curriculum licensing expires in 2020 and hardcopy books need replacement. Oregon is currently undergoing a math standards revision process; this may lead to significant changes at the high school level, but minimal changes are expected at the middle school level. In order to adopt new instructional materials to provide standards aligned materials in all middle school math classes, school board approval of initiating the curriculum adoption process is the first step of the district’s formal adoption process for core curriculum (Administrative Rule – Instructional Materials Selection (IIA-AR))


Suggestions by the Board for Consideration of Items at a Future Meeting

Board members discussed possible future items including legislative priorities, menstrual products, religious holidays and student walkout demonstrations.


Public Input

4 people provided public comment to the board, including comments regarding:

  • Time spent on testing
  • Appreciation for staffing additions to address oversized classes
  • High school climate and classroom experience
  • School schedules and non-instructional time


Agenda and Materials


NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. It is NOT the official minutes of the meeting. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted by the minutes recorder, reviewed and approved by the board at a following meeting. Recordings of meetings are posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

Summaries of Other School Board Meetings