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School Board Meeting Summary: Dec. 4, 2019

December 4, 2019
School Board Work Session and Regular Meeting 

On Wednesday, December 4, 2019, the school board held a work session followed by a regular board meeting.

Work Session: Bond Update: Program Moves Yujin Gakuen Elementary School to Kelly Middle School

District leaders gave a broad overview of the history of the 2018 voter-approved construction bond measure and the extensive planning and public outreach that went into it. Two alternative elementary school programs will relocate to facilitate construction of the new North Eugene High School. Corridor Elementary School will move to a wing of the existing high school building next door, and Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School will move to nearby Kelly Middle School. There will be a more detailed discussion about the coming changes, including specific facility and operations planning, in the board work session on Dec. 18.  (more information)

Board Meeting

The school board’s regular meeting followed the work session.

The superintendent addressed the planned moves of several schools to facilitate the coming bond construction and noted the schools will have regular staff meetings and frequent communications to keep staff and families up to date on the changes.


Information Items (no board action is expected to be taken)

• Received an update on the new North Eugene High School planning process: North Eugene High School is one of three 4J schools that will be rebuilt thanks for the $319 million bond measure that local voters approved in November 2018. Design work is ongoing for the new two-story high school that will be built on site of the former Silver Lea building, which will be demolished. (more information)

• Discussed a change in board meeting times: The school board is considering moving its bi-monthly regular meetings to an earlier time that may be more convenient for community members.


Board Actions

• Approved supplemental budget #1 for 2019–20 fiscal year: State law allows school districts to adjust their current-year budget to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenses. 2019–20 Supplemental Budget #1 includes $1 million in additional State School Fund dollars due to higher-than-projected enrollment and $935,000 in unanticipated property tax revenue. It also accounts for nearly $3.9 million in increased classroom spending for additional teachers, educational assistants and counselors.


Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

• Considered proposed policy updates: The board considered proposed revisions to board policies to conform to changes in state law and updates to policy best practices:

IGAI Health Education
IGBBA Talented and Gifted
JGE Expulsion


Public Input

20 people provided public comment to the board, including comments regarding:

  • Student Success Act investments
  • More funding for career and technical education
  • Chinese Immersion School location
  • Improving literacy, early childhood education and education for students with special needs
  • Supporting students with ADHD
  • Importance of early education
  • Concerns about relocation of Yujin Gakuen to Kelly Middle School
  • ECCO alternative high school space concerns
  • Class sizes and overcrowding
  • Free menstrual products
  • Improving education for African-American students
  • Addressing racism, equity and staff diversity
  • State testing opt-outs
  • The value of inclusive schools


Agenda and Materials

Dec. 4 work session recording

Dec. 4 board meeting recording


NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. It is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted by the minutes recorder, reviewed and approved by the board at a following meeting. Recordings of meetings are posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

Summaries of Other School Board Meetings