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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Technology Improvement Project (TIP)

Technology Improvement Projects

Getting Started

Does your school or department have an idea about how to add to or enhance our existing technology systems at 4J? If so, this is the place to get started. Follow the steps below to get your technology improvement idea reviewed and evaluated for possible implementation.



Four Steps of the TIP Process

  • Outline of Technology Improvement Project (TIP) Process


    1. Introduction to TIP Projects

    • Schools and departments must submit a TIP ticket to add or enhance technology systems.
    • Larger projects follow a different process and require initiation by a manager, director, or principal.

    2. Review Process and Timeline

    • TIP tickets are reviewed weekly; an initial response is provided within a week.
    • IT staff takes 1-3 weeks to:
      • Review the request.
      • Gather additional information about system impacts, costs, and capacity.
    • If initial approval is granted, a final project scope is developed and submitted for approval.
    • Timeline variability depends on:
      • Research requirements.
      • IT staff capacity.
      • Budget considerations.
      • Requestor response time for additional information.

    3. Importance of the TIP Process

    • IT systems are extensive, and resources are limited.
    • Requests must be evaluated for:
      • Impact on other systems.
      • Budget constraints.
      • Safety concerns.
    • Some projects may involve additional departments, such as facilities, for implementation.

    4. Expectations for Requestors

    • Expect 1-3 weeks for initial IT review.
    • IT will ask follow-up questions to clarify project details.
    • Ongoing collaboration between requestors and IT is essential.
    • If requestors do not respond within 2 weeks, the project will be considered inactive.


    Click here for a full description of the TIP process.

  • A young boy looks at a large screen displaying data and information, with the text 'Tech Improvement Examples' below.

    • Putting a projector into an area.
    • Adding additional Intercom/Paging capacity to an area/building.
    • Moving network and associated power poles from a room/area.
    • Adding an additional information monitor/TV to a classroom or hall.
    • Putting in an additional Network access point in a room/building.

    Please note that larger and more significant projects are governed by a different process and should be instigated by your manager, director or Principal.

    1. Develop a clear project goal/objective of the project.  Not just what you want done, but rather why and what the end benefit you're expecting.  What is the value you're expecting the project to deliver?
    2. Discuss project with affected staff
    3. Get approval from your manager or Principal
    4. Reference any related  IT Tickets submitted



    • When might other departments need to be involved?:  Facilities may be asked to get involved if the request involves adjusting facilities or grounds of a school/building
    • Who has to pay for these requests?  Usually the school/facility has to pay for these enhancements
    • What should I do before I make a TIP Request?  Please see the Checklist of actions to perform prior to submitting a Technology Improvement Projects (TIP) request
    • What might cause a rejection of a TIP request?  Many factors could cause a project to be rejected, but a couple key ones include an unclear objective/goal as well as budget constraints.
    • How can I do to speed up this process?  Stay involved in the process.  Undoubtedly there will be clarifying questions and information requests from IT.   Generally the quicker and more completely these are responded to the quicker the project can proceed.

Contact Us

Please contact Scott Sorensen, the 4J Project Manager, if you have questions or concerns about this process.