October 12, 2022
School Board Work Session & Regular Meeting
On Wednesday, October 12, the school board held a work session and regular meeting. The sessions were open to the public via live video on Zoom, live audio stream, and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7-FM.
The board continued its discussion of identifying its goals for the 2022–23 school year.
Superintendent Andy Dey discussed air quality and the measures the district has in place to keep students and staff away from smoky air, first trimester mid-terms and the ongoing staff recruitment effort by 4J (watch).
Items for Information (no board action is expected to be taken)
• Received an update on student board representative selection process (watch): The district is accepting applications for student board representatives from each high school. There will be two representatives from each of 4J’s four comprehensive high schools and one representative from ECCO. The board is looking forward to welcoming the selected representatives during its last meeting in November.
• Approved items on the consent agenda (watch): The board granted a request for state revenue from the Lane Education Service District and approved the official minutes for the September 7 and September 21 board meetings. The vote was unanimous.
• Considered board statement supporting Measure 114 (watch): The board discussed whether to approve a statement in support of Measure 114, a statewide gun-control initiative on the November ballot.
• Discussed process for recruiting and appointing members to the 4J Budget Committee (watch): Board members talked about the process they’d like to follow to fill one opening on the budget committee this fall. A member of the 4J equity committee will fill the second opening, meeting a requirement of a new state law. The board will decide during next week’s meeting on a process to narrow down the candidate pool for the one seat.
The board heard live public comment virtually via Zoom (watch). Two people spoke about standardized testing. To request to provide public comment to the school board, community members may complete an online request form by the Monday before the next regular board meeting. Community members also may send comments via email to board@4j.lane.edu.
October 12 work session and board meeting materials
October 12 work session audio recording
October 12 work session video recording
October 12 board meeting audio recording
October 12 board meeting video recording
NOTE: This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting.
Sesión de trabajo y reunión ordinaria de la junta escolar
El miércoles 12 de octubre, la junta escolar realizó una sesión de trabajo y reunión ordinaria. Las sesiones estuvieron abiertas al público a través de video en vivo por Zoom, transmisión de audio en línea y transmisión de radio en vivo en las KRVM 1280-AM y 98.7-FM.
La junta continuó su discusión sobre la identificación de sus metas para el año escolar 2022–23.
El superintendente Andy Dey habló sobre la calidad del aire y las medidas que el distrito tiene implementadas para mantener a los estudiantes y al personal alejados del aire con humo, los exámenes parciales del primer trimestre y el esfuerzo continuo de reclutamiento de personal por parte del 4J (ver).
Puntos de información (no se espera que se tomen medidas de la junta)
La junta escuchó comentarios públicos en vivo virtualmente a través de Zoom (ver). Dos personas hablaron sobre las pruebas estandarizadas. Para solicitar proporcionar comentarios públicos a la junta escolar, los miembros de la comunidad pueden completar un formulario de solicitud en línea antes del lunes anterior a la próxima reunión ordinaria de la junta. Los miembros de la comunidad también pueden enviar comentarios por correo electrónico a board@4j.lane.edu.
Sesión de trabajo del 12 de octubre y materiales de la reunión de la junta
Audio de la sesión del 12 de octubre
Video de la sesión de trabajo del 12 de octubre
Audio de la reunión de la junta del 12 de octubre
Video de la reunión de la junta del 12 de octubre
NOTA: Este es un breve resumen de los temas y acciones en una reunión de la junta escolar. Este documento NO es el acta oficial de la junta escolar. Las actas oficiales se publican después de que son redactadas, revisadas y aprobadas por la junta. Las grabaciones de audio de las reuniones generalmente se publican dentro de los dos días posteriores a la reunión.
Calendario e información de las reuniones de la junta escolar